How To Prioritise Writing Tasks As A Content Writer

Anjali Krishnan
4 min readMar 13, 2024
Photo by Super Snapper on Unsplash

A Content Writer’s workday is usually a struggle to maintain a delicate balance of creativity, deadlines, and multiple projects. Effective task prioritisation is a powerful weapon for you if you are creating blog posts, social media content, or marketing materials.

In this article, we will explore some practical strategies that will help you to manage your workload efficiently to produce high-quality content consistently. So, what are you waiting for? Read on!

1. Assess The Writing Tasks

The first step in prioritising your writing tasks is to understand the scope, purpose, and requirements of each task. Identify whether the purpose is to inform, educate, persuade, or entertain. Analyse the level of complexity involved in crafting the content and the effort required in researching the topic. This will help to understand the nature of the content to be created.

Next, evaluate the level of familiarity the target audience is likely to have related to the topic. This will help if you want to add unique or striking points and avoid cliched segments in your content.

Once you have accessed these aspects, the next step is to evaluate the deadlines and the possible consequences.

2. Categorise Your Tasks

Use of Eisenhower Matrix:

The Eisenhower Matrix, popularly known as the Urgent-Important Matrix, is a time-management framework designed and developed by Dwight Eisenhower to help prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance.

It categorises tasks into four quadrants:

  • Urgent and Important: These are the tasks that require immediate action like crises, deadlines, and urgent issues.
  • Important but Not Urgent: These tasks are for long-term goals. You can schedule and plan these tasks.
  • Urgent but Not Important: These are the tasks that demand your attention but don’t align with your goals. You can delegate or minimise these tasks.
  • Neither Urgent nor Important: One can either eliminate or avoid the tasks that fall into this category.

Using the Eisenhower Matrix, you can make informed decisions regarding task prioritisation to maximise productivity.

3. Plan Writing Tasks

Photo by Hope House Press - Leather Diary Studio on Unsplash

The next step is to plan the writing tasks by setting realistic goals for each. Estimate the time needed to complete each task, and assign due dates and commencement dates accordingly. Also, prioritise tasks based on their urgency and impact. Grouping tasks of a similar nature will promote efficiency.

4. Break Down Large Tasks

In case you have a substantial writing task, try breaking it into smaller, manageable chunks. Try setting deadlines for each section. Tackling smaller sections in this manner reduces the overwhelm and helps to keep you motivated and on track.

5. Execute Writing Tasks

After planning your tasks, you should stick to them and execute them diligently. You should give special focus to high-priority tasks and allocate proper time for proofreading, reviewing, and editing your content.

6. Consider Your Energy Levels

Another important aspect to keep in mind as a Content Writer is to recognise your energy levels and efficiency. Realising your peak productivity times during the day will help you to reserve critical writing tasks in those hours. You can use less productive time for conducting research or administrative work.

7. Use Tools and Apps

Tools like Trello, Asana, and Notion can help you in organising tasks. By using these tools, you can set reminders, create checklists, and track progress all in one place. You can also use the Pomodoro Technique.

Use of Pomodoro Technique:

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo. By using this method, one can enhance focus and productivity.

How it works:

  • Start by setting a timer for 25 minutes.
  • Then focus primarily on a single task during this time. (a “Pomodoro”)
  • Take a 5-minute break when the timer rings.
  • Take a longer break spanning 15 to 30 minutes after four Pomodoros.

Three rules for Pomodoro sessions:

  • Break down complex tasks: Divide large tasks into small, simpler steps.
  • Group simple tasks: Combine small tasks that take less than one Pomodoro.
  • Don’t interrupt a Pomodoro: Try to maintain focus during each work interval.

The Pomodoro Technique helps manage procrastination and mental fatigue, promoting sustained concentration and thereby enhancing productivity.

8. Learn to Say No

Photo by Florian Schmetz on Unsplash

If you are a professional Content Writer, you are likely to receive requests for multiple tasks. This makes it necessary to evaluate whether the new tasks align with your priorities and goals. It’s always better to decline politely the tasks that don’t contribute much to your objectives.


In the rapidly advancing world of content creation, it has become necessary to master the art of prioritisation. By carefully assessing tasks, categorising, and planning strategically, you can boost your productivity and maintain the creative spark.

Just remember, it’s not about ticking off items on your to-do list only. Content writing is all about delivering value to your target audience and achieving your goals. So, prioritise wisely and let your words make waves!



Anjali Krishnan

A writer exploring new worlds through the realm of letters.